Simit Naik
Director of Strategy
Simit Naik has over 14 years of commercial experience across financial services and the public sector, holding senior positions in consultancy, strategy, and product at organisations such as Visa, Experian, and Logica. Naik joined nChain in 2016, where he has helped to develop the Business Services, Product, and Commercial & Strategy teams. In his current role, Simit is responsible for group strategy, identifying and shaping key strategic initiatives across nChain, our wider ecosystem and with our key partners. Simit holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science from Coventry University.
About the company
nChain is a leading provider of global blockchain technology, IP licensing and consulting services. Combining a world-leading Web3 IP portfolio together with the knowledge, expertise, tools, and products, we enable a seamless transition from Web2 to Web3. nChain builds and maintains the most inclusive, secure and scalable Web3 infrastructure that delivers efficient value exchange to foster an ecosystem that is truly pioneering and provides an accessible foundation for everyone to benefit from Web3 opportunities. nChain currently has almost 2,800 registered active and pending patents and is the developer behind the Bitcoin SV Node software, Terranode, Kensei and more.
Cross-border payments face several key challenges including high degree of frictions such as cost, compliance, security, delays, and interoperability with domestic payment systems. In this session we will discuss these topics in more depth and demonstrate how nChain’s innovative Digital Currency solution addresses cross-border transactions in a more efficient and effective manner.
Panel discussion : Interoperability & cross border payments
In this panel discussion, experts will discuss the crucial topic of interoperability. They will explore how CBDCs could as seamlessly as possible integrate with existing financial systems and collaborate with external systems beyond central banks. Key points will include the need for technical standards, regulatory alignment, and private sector engagement to enable cross-border transactions and drive innovation. The panel aims to highlight the importance of interoperability in realizing the full potential of CBDCs for enhancing domestic & global payment networks.
Breakout session: A deep-dive into cross-border payments using nChain’s Digital Currency solution
Following on from the plenary discussion, please join us to dive deeper into the role technology plays in our approach to supporting more efficient cross-border payments